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Estonian Internet Foundation’s register now has 50,000 domains

Today, February 4th, 2011, the number of domains registered in accordance with the new procedure in the register of the Estonian Internet Foundation has reached the round figure of 50,000. The Sillamäe City Government has re-registered the domain name The application has accepted by the new register of domains under sequence number 50,000.

This morning the new register has received the application of the Sillamäe City Government for re-registration of the domain name Jelena Korshunova, Mayor of Sillamäe, hopes that soon the city will also be able to register the domain name with its proper Estonian name: sillamä “It will make the website easier to find and use.”

“The high level of domain registration activity over the recent days, about 150 names per day, indicates that so many domain owners have left it until very late, as the domains that have not been re-registered will be switched off on Monday. We can see that domain owners are paying attention,” said Marek-Andres Kauts, Chairman of the Management Board of the Estonian Internet Foundation.

“Approximately 50% of the domains registered in accordance with the old procedure in 1992-2010 have now been re-registered. The good news for registrants is that if the current domain quantity growth tendency continues, next year we will be able to reduce the domain fee,” said Kauts, thanking all registrants and registrars. The Estonian Internet Foundation is a non-profit organisation and the domain fee is derived from the organisation’s expenses. This means that if the number of registered .ee domains increases, the fee will be reduced.

The Estonian Internet Foundation is the organisation founded by the Government of the Republic of Estonia and the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications with the purpose of management of Estonian top-level domain names (.ee). Domain rules and fees applicable to .ee,,, and are approved subject to consensus by the 6-member Council of the Estonian Internet Foundation. Half of the council members are appointed by the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications and half – by the government.

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