How to register a .ee domain name?

Check your desired domain name

Before trying to register a domaine name, make sure that your desired name is free for registering. You can do that by using .ee domain search on the main page or on a registrar web page.

Choose a registrar

The next step is to choose a registrar, who will from now on offer you registration services. Please find our accredited registrars list here. Follow your registrar’s instructions!

Register your domain name

Third step is to register the domain name at your chosen registrar. Domains can not be registered through Estonian Internet Foundation.

1. Why to register a .ee domain?

Click here to find out why it's useful to register a .ee domain name! .ee is a top-level domain for sharing your information with Estonians and to Estonians.

Today, no other top-level domain helps you to reach Estonians better than .ee

Be the master of your own home – .ee is your castle and your business card to the world. This is a gateway to Estonians – think where could you reach? Get your business started, because everything that is good started from a right .ee domain name.

Today, no other top domain enables better access to Estonians than .ee! As one the parameters for making selections in search results, search engines also use country of location information on the person who made the inquiry – among results given for inquiries made from Estonia, .ee addresses will be prioritised. Be the master of your own home – .ee is your castle and your business card to the world. The domain .ee is a gateway to Estonians – think where could you reach then? Get your business started and come join us! Because everything that is good started from a proper .ee web domain.

2. Additional tips for .ee domain registration

The Estonian Internet Foundation itself does not register .ee domains. For this you need to contact our accredited registrars. Here you can find out who is a registrar and what services as they providing and what should be considered when registering a .ee domain name.

1. Please read the Domain Regulation thoroughly 

2. Check the desired domain name

Check the desired domain name in the WHOIS search on the Estonian Internet Foundation website at or websites of registrars.

3. Choose a registrar

Choose a registrar that is accredited by the Estonian Internet Foundation. A registrar is a person who will from now on offer you registration services, including domain extension and data amendment. The list of registrars is available here: Follow the registrar’s instructions!

4. The domain name must have an Administrative and a technical contact and name servers

The Administrative Contact is a natural person who is a legal representative of the registrant or whom the registrant has authorised in writing. The administrative contact does not have the right to delegate the authorisation. The administrative contact has the right to sign and submit domain name-related applications on behalf of the Registrant and to receive and forward any information pertaining to the domain name(s). The administrative contact is responsible for the correctness and genuineness of the data and documents submitted about him/her and the Registrant.

The Technical Contact is a person who has the right to modify only such domain name server data that is connected with it. If the domain registering entity is using a website hosting service, it is recommended to register as the Technical Contact a representative of the corresponding provider company. If the domain registering entity manages its own servers, it can register itself as the Technical Contact.

The domain name server is a computer that saves and forwards via a general-access data communications network such data that is connected with the domain name and corresponding IP addresses. Your IT helpdesk or Internet service provider will have the necessary information about the domain name servers.

5. Submit the domain registration application via your registrar

Become familiarised with the instructions provided by the chosen registrar and submit the domain registration application accordingly.

It is important to know, that
  • upon registration of an .ee domain name, the domain fee to the end consumer shall be set by the registrar. Follow the instructions of your registrar! 
  • An application for the registration of a legal person domain may only be submitted by the person who has the right of representation of the legal person, including an authorised administrative contact. According to the law, representation rights are given to members of the management board, who are also entitled to authorise other people. An application for the registration of a natural person domain can be submitted by the natural person himself/herself or an administrative contact authorised by him/her. Attention! The same applies for other registration-related services, including domain extensions.
  •  The domain registration application must be signed. The options for signing are as follows: Estonian ID-card or Mobile-ID, handwritten signature given at the registrar, identification of the person by payment order as brought out in Article 4.1.3¹ of the Domain Rules, or a transaction via PayPal Verified account as described in Article 4.1.4¹ of the Domain Rules (instead of signing).
  •  Upon registration of an .ee domain with accented letters (IDNs), the regular domain registration fee shall apply. 

3. Letters allowed in .ee domains

According to domain regulation sub-paragraph 3.2 , aside from "-" and numbers (0-9) only Estonian alphabet letters can be used in a .ee domain name.

Estonian alphabet includes the following letters:

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, š, z, ž, t, u, v, w, õ, ä, ö, ü, x, y

With the introduction of IDN domain names from July 13 2011 following IDN characters can be used in a .ee domain name after conversion to punycode:

õ – latin small letter O with tilde (U+00F5)
ä – latin small letter A with diaeresis (U+00E4)
ö – latin small letter O with diaeresis (U+00F6)
ü – latin small letter U with diaeresis (U+00FC)
š – latin small letter S with caron (U+0161)
ž – latin small letter Z with caron (U+017E)

4. Free subdomains

The options presented below are solutions offered by organisations that are not affiliated with the Estonian Internet Foundation, which allow private individuals and organisations operating in the field of education and culture to register free sub-domains. 

The sub-domains are managed and by the domain owner, who is also responsible for the service quality. Updated 9th of March 2021.


Estonian Education and Research Network (EENet), managing under The Education and Youth Board (HARNO) is a state institution established in 1993 under the directive of the Minister for Education and Culture, administered by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Through EENet, all agencies, associations and non-profit organisations operating in the field of education, science or culture and projects in these fields, are able to register free domains ending with,, and The number of academic domains per user is not limited, and domain names with accented letters, which are related to the agency's name, can also be registered.

In order to apply for an academic domain, a free-form application must be sent, specifying the domain user, its contact person and contact address, to

${ }

Status: ${ item }
Registration deadline: ${ domain.registration_deadline }
Registered: ${ domain.registered }
Changed: ${ domain.changed }
Expiry: ${ domain.expire }
Removed from zone: ${ domain.outzone }
Deleted: ${ domain.delete }
DNSSEC: ${ signedLabel } Show DNS keys Hide DNS keys

Registrar: ${ domain.registrar }
${ domain.registrar_website }


Private person

${ domain.registrant }

Reg nr: ${ domain.registrant_reg_no } (${ domain.registrant_ident_country_code })

Administrative contact:
Technical contact:
Registrar: ${ domain.registrar }
${ domain.registrar_website }