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Estonian Internet Foundations scholarship recipients are Martin Kurgi and Andres Põder
The scholarships were handed over yesterday, November 24th, 2010, at the reception held at the Tallinn Town Hall in honour of the recipients. “It is an internationally widespread tradition for national Internet organisations to facilitate technological education and popularisation of the field of technology. One of the reasons is that the Internet success is largely due to its humble beginnings in academic circles,” commented Marek-Andres Kauts, Chairman of the Management Board of the Estonian Internet Foundation. “Our offering of scholarships to the best students is also like repaying a debt of honour because for 18 years the .ee top domain management expenses were taken from funds allocated for education and science,” Kauts added.
Commenting on the choice of the scholarship recipients, Kauts remarked: “All 8 candidates demonstrated excellent academic results and it was difficult to select just two scholarship recipients from among them. In addition to the academic results, we also considered the active life attitude.”
Martin Kurgi, Estonian Internet Foundation’s scholarship recipient: “The Business Information Technology specialty covers both information technology and economy. I aim to become a top-level specialist in both fields and the scholarship will certainly provide additional motivation.”
“I come from Aseri in Ida-Virumaa. University studies and living in Tallinn mean inevitable additional expenses and you have to seriously consider working in addition to attending the lectures. Working in parallel with university attendance, especially in the first years, inevitably reduces the time you can spend studying,” said Andres Põder, Estonian Internet Foundation’s scholarship recipient. “The scholarship will allow me to focus on the academic activities and self-development. My goal is to acquire as well as possible the education provided by the Tallinn University of Technology and become an excellent IT specialist,” Põder added. Andres Põder also takes active part in student extracurricular activities and is member of the Student Council of the IT Faculty of the Tallinn University of Technology.
One scholarship is 20,000 kroons.
The Race for Reserved .ee Domains: Auction Results and Impact
The Estonian Internet Foundation recently released reserved and blocked .ee domains to the market. These domains had been unavailable for over a decade but were made accessible to the public starting in the spring of 2023. Among the available domains were Estonian place names, country names, as well as single letters and numbers. What were the most sought-after domains and their winning bids? Here’s an overview of the results.
.ee Domain Name Trends in the First Half of 2024
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Domain Name Not Renewed? It Can Be Accompanied by These Cyber Threats
The Estonian Internet Foundation recently conducted a study focused on the .ee domain registration renewal process. The results revealed that many respondents are aware of various cyber threats related to the loss of domain registration. However, there are also those who believe there are no threats. Since a domain is one of the most valuable assets in the digital world, we will review the potential cyber threats you should consider before deciding not to renew your domain registration.