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Most popular words used in new .ee domains in 2020
Registered domains reflect changes and trends in our society and as our national domain (.ee) is overwhelmingly most popular in Estonia, we think it could be kind of digital source to look at; especially in connection with this pandemic year of 2020.

now on we put together so called Estonian "domain-map", showing the result of
a word cloud, based on approximately 23 000 new .ee registrations made
from January until December 2020. As domains are unique, we unified the
names and separated compound words.
It turned out that most popular words in .ee domains registered in 2020
are car, estonia, 24, rent, home, est, building, shop, and tech. But
pandemic has direct influence also to the popular domains as the
following top results are also there: mask, school, food, courier,
med and health.
Additional statistics about
.ee domain can be found here – click!

Heiki Sibul was appointed as the representative of Estonia on the global internet discussion platform IGF
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has appointed Heiki Sibul, CEO of the Estonian Internet Foundation, as a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

From AI to Digital Inclusion: Major Themes from the 2024 IGF
The final month of last year saw internet governance stakeholders gather at the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh, where an array of pressing topics were discussed in-depth.

EIF’s 2024 Impact: Supporting Digital Skills and Awareness Across Communities
Over the years, the .ee registry (EIF) has supported numerous projects aimed at developing the local internet community and enhancing internet-related knowledge across various target groups. With the announcement of a new application round, it’s a great time to reflect on the projects launched last year.