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Reduction in registration fee of .EE domain to come into effect on 1 May

As of 1 May 2012 a reduction in the registration fee of the .EE domain will come into effect. The reduction in the fee was decided by the supervisory board of the Estonian Internet Foundation at the end of 2011. The new fee is €17 per year, i.e. €1.42 per month.
The registration fee is the fee that registrars are to pay to the Estonian Internet Foundation. The final price for the registrant is determined by the particular registrar in view of the free market competition and this price can be higher or lower than the registration fee. The fee will be reduced by €1.20, i.e. 6.5%. The fee is subject to VAT.

The activities of the Estonian Internet Foundation are not subsidised from the state budget and the amount of the fee is established so that it is possible to cover infrastructure investments, operating costs and the reserve from it. The foundation does not earn any profit and its founders (the state and the Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications) are not paid any proprietary income, i.e. dividends.

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