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See the map: these were the most used words in the .ee domains registered in 2021

In 2021, 27,396 new .ee domains were registered, and just like last year, we are now looking at which words or terms are most popular in our national domain.

See the map: these were the most used words in the .ee domains registered in 2021

In 2021, 27,396 new .ee domains were registered, and just like last year, we are now looking at which words or terms are most popular in our national domain.

Because the domains are unique in nature, we harmonized the inflections and separated the compound words for analysis. While some words related to Covid stood out in the 2020 results, in 2021, such terms no longer made it into the top ten.

As in the previous year, the most popular words in .ee domains are 24, car, rent, and Estonia. They are followed by home, construction, shop, tr, Estonia, center, tech, and store. The map better describes the situation and also contains the terms invest, sports, brand, art, etc.

It can be said with a great simplification that we like cars, home and we like to build. It would be good if all this is illustrated by permanent availability (24) and the fact that many things can be rented instead of owned. The analysis is based on 27,396 .ee domains registered in 2021. And by the way, if you notice a striking and good-sounding new .ee domain (registered later than 14.03.21), submit it to the competition, where the most beautiful .ee domain is sought!

You can see additional current statistics for the national domain here -  click.





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