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The Baltic Domain Days & EuroDIG 2024 will Convene Internet Experts to Vilnius
region – Baltic Domain Days 2024 (BDD). It will be held as a part of the European
Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) event.
The event will take place on 17–19 June 2024 in historic venue – a former ISM University located in Vilnius’ charming Old Town. The address: Arkliu str. 18, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The conference program, registration options, logistical details can be found at Participation in the conference is free of charge and it’s also possible to participate remotely. Registration is already opened!
BDD for insights into domain industry trends
BDD is the best place to learn more about the issues affecting the Baltic domain name industry and meet with experts in the domain business. It brings together registries, registrars, hosting providers, developers, cyber security experts, entrepreneurs, marketing specialists, researchers and other interested parties to discuss the latest trends in domain market.
The main BDD topics will cover domain usage and DNS abuse issues, usage of Internationalized Domain Names, DNS role in content blocking, implementation of DNSSEC, new EU regulations affecting domain industry, disputes between domain and intellectual property right holders, other challenges in domain industry.
EuroDIG is more than just a conference
EuroDIG is a platform to exchange information, expertise and views on the emerging issues and challenges concerning the Internet. It is a multi-stakeholder initiative, with participation of governments, international organisations, academia, business, technical community and civil society.
EuroDIG is an all year round participation process of dialogue, which culminates in an annual 3-day event organised in a bottom-up manner. The content of the programme is initiated and shaped by all participating stakeholders. After each event, the main messages from European perspective are submitted to the global IGF.
EuroDIG event is preceded by the Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YouthDIG). Young Internet envoys work together on their messages for the main event with young generation perspective on Internet governance, policy and cooperation.
Partners of the event
BDD was launched in 2018 as a joint initiative of the domain registries of the three Baltic States. The previous events took place in Riga and Tallinn. This year BDD is hosted by the .LT registry (Kaunas University of Technology Internet Service Centre DOMREG) in close collaboration with .LV (University of Latvia, Network Solutions Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science NIC) and .EE (Estonian Internet Foundation) registries.
EuroDIG was launched in 2008 and, so far, has held annual events each in another European country. Hosts of EuroDig 2024 are the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, GoVilnius agency and other partners.
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